
About Caritas

The Caritas of the Wrocław-Gdańsk Eparchy was founded in 1996, thanks to Bishop Teodor Majkowicz of blessed memory, the first Ruling Bishop of Wrocław-Gdańsk Eparchy. Fr. Piotr Szwec-Nadworny was made the first Director and he worked at Caritas until 1999.

The new Bishop Włodzimierz Juszczak appointed Fr. Robert Rosa for this position. Until October 2017 he was responsible for the charity in the Eparchy and managed Caritas, the Church charity organization.

In October 2017 Fr. Yevhen Sukhyy was appointed the new Director of the Caritas of the Wrocław-Gdańsk Eparchy.


1% podatku dla Caritas.

Caritas Polska
konto pożytku publicznego
nr 61 1060 0076 0000 3310 0004 1622


Address for correspondence:

Caritas Diecezji Wrocławsko-Gdańskiej
ul. Łaciarska 34/2
50-146 Wrocław

Eparchial Caritas Managemant:

Кs. Yevhen Sukhyy

If you want to help those in need, you can make a donation to our Caritas account.


Bank account:

Caritas Diecezji Wrocławsko-Gdańskiej Obrz. Greckokatolickiego
ul. Chojnowska 96, 59-220 Legnica
43 1020 5242 0000 2202 0117 7948
Benefactor! By making a donation to the account above, you help the sick, the poor and those in crisis.

God bless you for your generosity!

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