Construction of the church in Gorzów Wielkopolski


Since the beginning of 2012 efforts have been made to purchase the former hospital chapel (ul. Teatralna) in Gorzów Wielkopolski for the needs of the Greek Catholic Parish of St Josaphat.

These efforts were successful – in April 2013 the building and the ground were purchased. It is a great joy for the faithful who have been praying in the cemetery chapel at the Cmentarz Świętokrzyski since the resettlement to the Western Territories in 1947 as a part of the Operation Vistula.

At the end of June renovation works began, carried out mainly by parishioners.

We ask all people of good will for financial support to help us renovate the church. The Greek Catholic Parish in Gorzów is a small community, it consists of 26 families, but we believe that thanks to our work, sacrifices and with the help of others we will be able to renovate the temple. Having our own church is a great gift that we cannot waste.

We will be very grateful for any help.

Fr. Dariusz Hubiak with parishioners


Bank account number

19 8372 0008 0900 1569 2009 0001
Parafia greckokatolicka pw. Jozafata Męczennika
ul. Warszawska 202
66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
„Na remont cerkwi”

Donation for religious purposes.
It can be tax-deductible.